We have listed the most frequently asked questions from Opus camera owners and those wishing to find out more about how our cameras can advance their research. We hope you find what you are looking for. If you have a specific question that is not answered below, please get in touch via the enquiries tab.
Frequently asked questions image
If you are having difficulty connecting your Osiris camera, we recommend using these settings.
Please set all the power and sleep options to ‘never’
Osiris software producing configuration error on startup.
This problem relates to Microsoft Edge settings in Windows 10. Thanks to valuable user feedback, we believe that we have identified the cause of the Osiris software reporting the error message: ‘This Software is not configured for the connected camera’. To resolve this issue, please modify the ‘System Performance’ settings in Edge as shown. Then, power cycle your Osiris camera.
You may also need to restart your computer
How do I clean the lenses of my Opus camera?
Useful items:
• A fine microfibre cloth
• A can of compressed air
• A lens pen
• Specialist optical cleaning fluid*
It should be noted that, because of the distance of the lens from the sensor, small amounts of dust etc are unlikely to have a significantly adverse effect on the image quality. However, over time, dust and fingerprints will accumulate on the black filter at the front of the lens and should to be removed by cleaning.
In order to clean this surface, we recommend that any loose particles are first removed with a blast of compressed air. Then a microfibre cloth can be used to remove anything that remains. The black filter is relatively durable, so using a lens pen is another option.
Upon removing the lens from the camera, the external window is revealed. Any debris on this surface can cause unexpected artefacts to appear in the final image. Therefore, it is particularly important to take care of this optical surface.
The Infra-red antireflection coatings on this glass window are particularly delicate and are easily scratched. Therefore, it is absolutely vital to first remove any particles with compressed air. Particularly any hard metallic particles that may accumulate from repeated unscrewing of the lens or from the 4 mounting screws that secure the front lens plate. Then it should be safe to gently clean the glass window with a microfibre cloth. Apply light pressure only, and do not use a lens pen on this surface.
For any remaining marks that cannot be removed by gentle cleaning, we suggest application of a small amount of cleaning fluid before using the microfibre cloth. Please do not attempt to use any other solvents and again, be gentle do not scrub the surface. If in any doubt, you are always welcome to consult us first: [email protected]
*We recommend Baader Optical Wonder™ for this purpose
I am migrating to a new computer. How do I install the latest version of Apollo software?
If you are migrating to a new computer, you must install the original software supplied with your camera first. This is because it contains the necessary calibration files that are unique to your camera. The upgrade file is generic, it does not contain these calibrations.
This is the recommended procedure:
· Install the original software that was supplied with your camera on CD or USB stick
· Connect your camera and switch it on
· Take an example random image – this procedure will create any necessary setup files
· Close the Apollo software and disconnect your camera
· Please restart your computer
· To update the software, simply download the file above and install it
Can I purchase a second-hand/refurbished camera?
Yes, we often have refurbished Osiris cameras for sale at a significantly discounted price. Please enquire via the general enquiries form at the bottom of this page for more information. We welcome your enquiry.
The software is running slowly and at times intermittently. What could be the cause of this?
Issues such as the software freezing, or appearing unresponsive, could be due to tasks running in the background. In particular Windows updates. Over the period of the pandemic there have been a lot of updates issued by Microsoft and if your laptop has been switched off during this period there may be quite a backlog of them still to install. I recommend going to the system settings and manually checking for updates.
Additionally, the latest version of the Apollo software can be found here:
You can simply install it over the top of your current version.
I would like to use a longer USB cable than the one that was originally supplied with the camera. Is this possible?
Generally speaking, the most reliable connection will be achieved with a USB cable of 3 metres or less. However, should you need to use a longer cable, we would recommend that you also use a powered USB hub to buffer the connection.
I have lost the original installation CD for my Osiris camera; can I get a replacement?
Please contact us via our web form, quoting the serial number on the bottom of the camera. We should then be able to send you a replacement CD, or provide a download able link.
Can I run my Apollo / Osiris software on Windows 11?
As we are yet to test the functionality and compatibility of Opus software with Windows 11 we do not recommend running your Opus software on Windows 11. We will contact all Opus camera owners in the future when tests have been successful.
We have an Osiris camera that has previously been used with an old version of Windows TM, and we would now like to use the camera on a computer running Windows 10. Can you supply a compatible version of the camera software?
This will depend on the age of the camera, which we can determine from its serial number. Unfortunately, some very old Osiris cameras may not compatible without upgrading the camera’s electronics.
I have some unusual lines or features that have started to appear in the image. Is there a problem with my camera?
This is unlikely, as most image artifacts are simply caused by the accumulation of dust on one of the optical surfaces. In many cases the user will be able to address the issue themselves. It is recommended that you unscrew the camera lens from the camera body to reveal the external glass window. Then, using a can of compressed air, please gently remove any dust particles from this window. This will usually resolve the issue. However, if the problem still persists, please seek advice from our service department.
What are the minimum requirements for the Apollo software:
The recommended minimums as of 19th May 2021 are
Windows 10
Intel i5 9th generation or newer
A solid-state hard drive is highly recommended
Can I have a demonstration of the Apollo/Osiris at my premises?
Yes, we are always happy to travel from the UK to demonstrate Opus cameras and discuss your requirement and welcome your enquiry.
Do you offer camera maintenance plans?
Yes, we offer maintenance plans for up to a three-year period. The plan starts when the 1-year warranty period ends and is available for new cameras only. If you would like to discuss this option in further detail, please get in touch and we will be happy to help.
Opus Instruments’ IRR cameras are trusted by leading galleries, paintings conservation studios, auction houses and educational establishments worldwide in the analysis of the underdrawing, pentimenti and pigments of fine art. The resulting infrared reflectograms provide valuable information about the processes and methods an artist employed, the condition of the canvas and may uncover hidden secrets, only seen by the artist themselves.
If you would like to find out more about Opus cameras, click on the link below
ProductsThe Apollo camera has fomented new research in art history and English literature
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford University